Make your 2018 trip a huge success!


With the spring early registration deadline for your trip fast approaching, there’s still time to get even more students signed up. But you need to act fast! Watch this video to learn how to follow these simple steps to ensure that all the students in the invited grade know about the upcoming registration deadline.


1. Distribute the enclosed flyers to all your students TODAY!
With your deadline about a week away, it’s important that every student receive a flyer as soon as possible. This step is critical!

2. Promote your program every day leading up to your Registration Deadline
Write the registration date on the board in your classroom, make PA announcements each morning, and post on your school’s marquee and websites. This extra promotion will help get more students signed up for your trip.

3. Let us help you promote your program
Be sure to send us your Parent Meeting sign-in sheets as soon as possible. With your permission, we’ll send out reminder emails on your behalf to those attendees that have yet to register. We’ll also send a special email to your registered parents and students – they too can help you build the excitement.

4. Be social!
If you have a trip page set up on Facebook, Twitter, or some other social media outlet, be sure to let students know there is still time to sign up.