5 Ways to Keep up Trip Excitement


The back to school excitement may have have worn off – but you can still keep your trip excitement high! Need some fresh ideas?

Here are 5 ways you can keep your trip top of mind through the school year!

1. Keep up the conversation, everyday! – The best way to keep your students excited is to show them just how excited you are! Remind them about all the cool things you are going to see and do on your trip. Don’t forget to remind them about the little things, too – plane/bus rides, swimming in the hotel pool, riding the subway… sometimes these are what students are most excited about. If you’ve traveled before, tell them some past trip stories – meaningful moments and fun ones, too. Ask your students what they are most excited about. Ask them what they are most nervous about, too. Most importantly, just keep the conversation going. Your enthusiasm is contagious and when your students see how excited you are, they’ll feel excited, too!

2. Embrace technology – There are all kinds of ways to keep the conversation going with students with technology. Using social media is a great start. There are also some great apps that make communication easy – both before, during, and after the trip. Technology also makes it simple to send out trip updates, registration and payment deadlines, fundraising events, etc., quickly and easily to your students and parents.

3. Reminder flyers – Your Account Manager will be sending you reminder flyers for you to pass out through your students to remind them about upcoming registration deadlines. We want flyers to get in the hands of every student. The student must take the flyer home and hand it to mom and dad and tell them they ‘want to go!’ Make sure you never miss the opportunity to pass out the invaluable tools to assist you in your trip promotion.

4. Think outside of the box – You’ve got your posters. You’ve got your flyers. You’ve got your trip dates on your blackboard, too. But, you don’t have to stop there – when it comes to your trip promotion – every little extra effort helps! Put up yard signs in front of the school, make an announcement during half-time at a football game, put up trip updates on your school’s website or Facebook page, advertise in a theater playbill, create trip t-shirts for students to wear … thinking outside the box can really expand your reach!

5. Ask for help! – Registered students and their parents are your best resource for helping you to spread the word and keep trip excitement high! Encourage your students and parents to reach out to other students/parents who have yet to sign them, and tell them about the benefits of student travel

How do you keep your students excited throughout the school year? Let us know at ashleyhi@worldstrides.org.